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A Minnesota-based motherhood, lifestyle, and home décor blog created by Kelly Zugay — Founder of Made by Motherhood.

Waco, Texas and Magnolia Market Travel Guide

Last week, I had the awesome opportunity to attend Illume Retreat in Waco, Texas. As a small business owner of 3 years, I realized it had been a long time since I invested in myself, both personally and professionally.

When you’re a small business owner, you seem to eat, sleep, and breathe the work you do; it’s your life’s work, after all! Illume Retreat was an opportunity for me to step back and evaluate my personal and professional goals, to address my fears and worries about being a business owner, and overall, to truly retreat. While I’m so excited to share more about Illume Retreat in the coming days, today, I’m sharing all about visiting Magnolia Market in Waco, Texas!

Visiting Magnolia Market in Waco, Texas

Magnolia Market is located in the heart of Waco, Texas. It sticks out really well, with two big silos in the skyline. When I walked in, I realized two things:

  • I realized The Silos and Magnolia Market appear smaller on TV than they are in real life! In the shadow of the Silos is a really beautiful, big area filled with food trucks, a grassy area for frisbee or for relaxing, a stage, the bakery, plenty of seating areas, and of course, the shop! There are people everywhere, and it really is the perfect place to spend a few hours on a sunny Texas day.

  • I realized how amazing having a dream can be. As cheesy as it may sound, Chip and Joanna followed their dream, and now their dream is serving people from all over the world. What was once a small business venture has become something so much greater — and it’s really exciting to see how small businesses can change the world in a really meaningful, lasting way.

Here are handful of my favorite photos from Magnolia:

Kelly-Zugay-Wisconsin-Lifestyle-Beauty-Wellness-Blog-Visiting-Magnolia-Market-Waco-Texas-Photo-1289.jpg Kelly Zugay - Wisconsin Lifestyle Beauty Wellness Blog - Visiting Magnolia Market - Waco Texas - Photo -1-2 Kelly-Zugay-Wisconsin-Lifestyle-Beauty-Wellness-Blog-Visiting-Magnolia-Market-Waco-Texas-Photo-1294.jpg Kelly Zugay - Wisconsin Lifestyle Beauty Wellness Blog - Visiting Magnolia Market - Waco Texas - Photo -1-2 Kelly Zugay - Wisconsin Lifestyle Beauty Wellness Blog - Visiting Magnolia Market - Waco Texas - Photo -1-2 Kelly Zugay - Wisconsin Lifestyle Beauty Wellness Blog - Visiting Magnolia Market - Waco Texas - Photo -1-2 Kelly Zugay - Wisconsin Lifestyle Beauty Wellness Blog - Visiting Magnolia Market - Waco Texas - Photo -1-2 Kelly-Zugay-Wisconsin-Lifestyle-Beauty-Wellness-Blog-Visiting-Magnolia-Market-Waco-Texas-Photo-1314.jpg Kelly Zugay - Wisconsin Lifestyle Beauty Wellness Blog - Visiting Magnolia Market - Waco Texas - Photo -1-2 Kelly Zugay - Wisconsin Lifestyle Beauty Wellness Blog - Visiting Magnolia Market - Waco Texas - Photo -1-2 Kelly Zugay - Wisconsin Lifestyle Beauty Wellness Blog - Visiting Magnolia Market - Waco Texas - Photo -1-2 Kelly Zugay - Wisconsin Lifestyle Beauty Wellness Blog - Visiting Magnolia Market - Waco Texas - Photo -1-2 Kelly Zugay - Wisconsin Lifestyle Beauty Wellness Blog - Visiting Magnolia Market - Waco Texas - Photo -1-2 Kelly Zugay - Wisconsin Lifestyle Beauty Wellness Blog - Visiting Magnolia Market - Waco Texas - Photo -1-2 Kelly Zugay - Wisconsin Lifestyle Beauty Wellness Blog - Visiting Magnolia Market - Waco Texas - Photo -1-2 Kelly-Zugay-Wisconsin-Lifestyle-Beauty-Wellness-Blog-Visiting-Magnolia-Market-Waco-Texas-Photo-1372.jpg

Tips for Visiting Magnolia Market in Waco, Texas

  • Arriving early in the morning, when the weather is cooler and the lines are shorter. You could also arrive just before closing — but some of the merchandise and baked goods could potentially be sold out for the day.

  • Trying out as many food trucks as you can. Grab a snack here and there throughout the day, so you have an opportunity to sample as much food truck goodness as possible.

  • Do some window shopping at the start of your trip, and make your purchases at the end. Magnolia Market has a FedEx shipping center, so you can always make your purchases and ship them to your home, too!

Affiliate Disclaimer: Some links shared are Affiliate Links — which means I may earn a commission when you click or purchase at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support of my small business!

A Minnesota-based motherhood, lifestyle, and home décor blog by Kelly Zugay — Founder of Made by Motherhood, Co-Founder of With Grace and Gold and Host of Brand It, Build It Podcast.

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